Carina médical

Legal Notice

1. Website presentation

CARINA MEDICAL - Head office

SIRET N° : 31202134800031
SIREN N° : 312021348
RCS : Bourg-En-Bresse B 312 021 348

Address : Parc d’entreprises Visionis - 278, rue de l’Industrie - 01090 GUEREINS
Phone Number : 04 74 66 69 49
Email :

Publishing director : M. Fabien Desplace
The publishing director is a physical or legal person.

Creation : ASB DIGITAL
Webmaster : ASB DIGITAL –
Website Host : OVH SAS – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France

Credits Photos : ©AdobeStock

2. General website terms and associated services

The use of our website full accceptance of our general terms described here after. They are subject to modifications or complementation at each time, so the users are invited to check on a regular basis. The website’s content is also updated often by the publishing director.

3. Description of the provided services

This website’s purpose is to offer an overview of all the activities of the company. The publishing director is trying to supply as much precise information as possible. However, he can’t be taken responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and lake in the updates in the information coming from himself or from external partners.

All the website’s information are given as indicative purpose and are subject to evolution. Furthermore, the details are not comprehensive, they may be modified since their initial online publication.

4. Contractual datas restrictions on the technical details

Ce site internet utilise la technologie JavaScript.

This website is using the JavaScript technology. This website can’t be taken as responsible of any damages on materials relative to its use. Furthermore, the user makes a commitment to use recent material to access our website, virus free, with a last generation and updated browser.

5. Intellectual property and counterfeits

The publishing director is owner of all the intellectual property rights and keep the use rights on all the accessible elements of the website ( texts, images, videos…) Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or any of the elements of the website is forbidden, except written authorisation of the publishing director.

7. Personal datas management

By using this website, some information can be collected: the URL links of the intermediaries by who the user has arrived on the website and also the IP adress of the user. Either way, the publishing director is not collecting any personal datas relative to users except that for the need of some services offered by the website such as a contact’s form, a customer’s account or website’s statistics. Neither personal information of the website’s user is published without the user’s knowledge, shared, transfered, gaved or sold on support to any other person.

Compliantly to articles 38 and the followings of the law 78-17 of 6th January 1978 relativ to informatic, files and liberties, all users has an access right relative à l'informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés, all users have the right to access, rectify or challenge any personal data concerning them, by making a written and signed request, with a copy of their signed ID and send them by post or on the following email adress :

8. Hyperlinks and cookies

This website may include some hyperlinks to other websites, put in place with the authorisation of the publishing director. However, he does not have the possibility to check the content of the visited websites and in consequence, does not assume responsability of those.

The web browsing can install some cookie(s) on the user’s computer. A cookie is a small file, that does not give any chance to identify the user but that is registering the information relative to the browsing of a computer on a website. The collected datas are then used to facilitate the later browse on the website and can be also used to mesure the attendance.

The rejection of a cookie can create an impossibility to access to any services. The user can however configure its computer in the following way ( to refuse the cookies setup), you can manage your preferences through the cookie banner suggested at the beginning of your browse on the website or modify this parameter directly through your browser configuration (on for example Chrome, Firefox, Safari…).